Friday, April 3, 2009

Web 2

Hi again,

Anyone fancy the recipe for salmon en croute?

The reason I'm creating this blog is that I've recently been on a training course to do with web 2 and, of course, now I think I know all about it and am creating my own blog with a subject that interests me.


  1. Congratulations on creating your very own blog!
    I will look in to see what recipes you are sharing.

  2. Yum! My mouth is drooling already. It was so good and others in the group yesterday at the Web 2.0 sessions and I am certainly looking forward to sampling the fruits of your labour through this wonderful diea for a blog. Thank you!! 8-D

    I used to enjoy cooking but these days it seems to have been superceded by an absolute love of eating! My thinking is at the stage where I think every recipe book should come with its own chef - and now that you have started this blog we wont need the book part of that equation anymore, just the chef and with room on the bench for a laptop. lol

    Now if someone could make a miicrowave that you just send the recipe into (via your blog of course) and voila.... I know miracles can happen. Now I would call that real progress!

    What's for tea tonight at your house? Rest assured I'll be back.

    Cheers - and best wishes

  3. Hey Caron - I'd like to try the salmon en croute. Recipe please. Do I know you?
